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403 Forbidden or No Permission to Access
The top reasons for this error are permissions or .htaccess error. PermissionsThe 403 Forbidden...
Apache Error Logs
Some things you can ignore: File does not exist: home/somtin/public_html/robots.txtFile does not...
Apache Handlers, running html as php
Apache handlers allow you to control what Apache will do with certain file types. When Apache...
CGI Troubleshooting
Incorrectly Set Permissions The mother of all errors, knowing what the file permissions need to...
CGI center
The CGI Scripts icon is NO LONGER available to use. We apologize for the inconvenience, as cPanel...
Changing your cPanel style
1. Login to cPanel and click Change Style.2. Click the radio button under the style you like.3....
Copy Entire Database or Rename Database
Is there a way for me to copy an entire database in cPanel? 1.Go to cPanel > MySQL Databases...
Creating a URL redirect
WARNING Never create a redirect for domain.com to www.domain.com or from domain.com to...
Custom error pages
Custom error pages To create a custom error page for your account, please login to cPanel and...
Do you have a manual for the control panel?
Yes, a manual for cPanel is available on their official website. Go here to view it.
GnuPG keys
GnuPG is a publicly available encryption scheme that uses the "public key" approach. With GnuPG,...
Hidden files
Hidden file and folder names start with a dot. Examples:...
How can I change my control panel username?
Shared Hosting Unfortunately, you may not change the user name associated with your control...
How do I backup / restore / move from one cPanel host to another?
How can I restore my site with old/previous content? Please submit your request via support...
How do I create a MySQL database, a user, and then delete if needed?
Create: If you are using any type of PHP software or keeping a collection of records which need...
How do I create and delete a cron job?
Cron Jobs run scheduled tasks at specific times. This is good to set up automated maintenance and...
How do I deny IP address access?
This tool will block anyone from a specified IP address from visiting your website.How to find...
How to Password Protect one file
This is an advanced design tutorial. If you are a beginner, we recommend using the cPanel...
How to backup/restore your MySQL database
If you run a database driven website, it is important to backup your databases, periodically. You...
How to change DNS zones (MX, CNAME, and A records)
With cPanel 11.25, you now have access to make some of these changes. Note: This feature will...
How to change permissions (chmod) of a file
Permissions can be very important when it comes to hosting your website. Permissions can allow...
How to change the password of your cPanel account
There may be times where you would like to change the password of your account. It is recommended...
How to connect to the MySQL database
Configuration Settings: Host = localhost (Keep this as localhost)Database name =...
How to create blacklists
You may use Spam Assassin to stop (blacklist) someone from emailing you. 1. Login to cPanel and...
How to create/edit/delete a file using the File Manager
There may be times when you wish to create, edit, or delete a file or folder in your account. You...
How to disable anonymous FTP
Anonymous FTP is disabled by default. We do not recommend using Anonymous FTP as it is a...
How to download a home directory backup
Backups are very important part of maintaining a website. It is important to backup your files on...
How to generate/download a full backup
A full backup is a backup of all of your files, e-mail, databases, etc. To run a full backup, you...
How to import your MySQL database
How can I import a database? 1.Go to phpMyAdmin2.Click the new database name in the top left...
How to install a script using Fantastico
Fantastico is a great addition to cPanel, which allows users to install the great open source...
How to log into cPanel
If you recently purchased a new account with IN2HOSTING , you should type the following...
How to log into cPanel
If you recently purchased a new account with IN2HOSTING, you should type the following...
How to navigate through File Manager
File Manager is an quick and easy way to navigate through you files. To access File Manager:...
How to redirect a subdomain to another page
You might want your sub domain to redirect to another page. To do this, please do the following:...
How to remove a script from Fantastico
There may be a time when you would like to remove a script which was installed through Fantastico...
How to repair a broken database
MySQL queries or tables stop working If you get an error which says, "so-and-so is marked as...
How to upload a file using the File Manager
You may want to upload your files directly through cPanel. You can do this through the File...
How to upload to an Addon or Subdomain
Option 1 In a FTP client enter this information. Host = add on domain nameUser =...
How to use GZip
We support sending gzip files, or gunziping/gzipping files on the shared server. This is not the...
How to view website statistics in cPanel using AWStats
When you have a website online, you may want to check on how many people are coming to your...
I accidentally deleted the public_html or www folder
If you delete the www folder, your site should still load properly.If you delete the public_html...
I already own a hosting package and want to add a 2nd domain
Unfortunately your Unlimited Web Hosting Plan cannot add a second domain for hosting.
Image Manager
The Image Manager allows you to view and modify images in your account. You can change the size...
Incorrect diskspace and information in cPanel
Your cPanel keeps disk space usage for your entire account, email accounts, databases, and other...
Index Manager
Go to cPanel and click Index Manager. Click on a folder icon to look inside. Click on a folder...
Internal Server Error help, 500 error
Internal server errors can be caused by a few different things. Please check the Error Logs in...
Invalid maildirsize error
How to fix the error "invalid maildirsize": 1.Login to your server via FTP or File Manager.2.Go...
Latest Visitors
You will find an icon for this in cPanel, under the Logs section. This function will show the...
Learn cPanel
To learn more about cPanel kindly click this link
Local, Backup, and Remote Mail Exchanger
This is a setting that tellsĀ IN2HOSTING how to handle your incoming emails. We recommend using...
Lost database password
Forgot your database's password? You must create a new user with a new password. Do not worry,...
My new domain is showing a search portal page, or advertising page
If you recently changed your IP address (i.e. you bought a dedicated IP or an SSL certificate),...
MySQL database size limit
There is no limit for the size of databases.MySQL is only limited to the size of your cPanel's...
Need to review all the scripts in Fantastico?
To view all the scripts offered inside Fantastico, including each version and support links,...
None of my CGI scripts are working on the server. How do I get them to work?
First, make sure the script files are in the cgi-bin folder.Second, make sure the file...
PHP settings that cannot be changed
PHP has been configured to use the following settings on our shared and reseller servers: safe...
Park Wrapper Error
Park Wrapper ErrorWhen trying to add an addon domain, or parked domain, you might run across a...
Password Protect Directories icon
To password protect directory: Note: At this time, cPanel can only protect directories, not...
Proper MIME types
Mime types tell browsers how to handle specific extensions. For example, the text/html mime type...
Raw Access Logs
Raw Access Logs allow you to see who has accessed your site without the use of graphs, charts or...
Secure cPanel login
Use https and our IP address, followed by the secure port number:...
Viewing your disk space usage
Login to cPanel, and under Files, click Disk Space Usage. This page shows you where disk space...
What are Cron Jobs?
A cron job is a Linux command for scheduling a task to be executed sometime in the future. This...
What do I put for the cron job Command ?
Command lines. Examples only! Bold sections must be changed. Shared, Reseller, SEO hosting, and...
What happened to the search engine submitter that was in cpanel?
It was removed by cPanel because all search engine submitters are obsolete. The search engines...
What is Fantastico?
Fantastico DeLux is the leading auto installer for cPanel servers. With more than 10,000...
What is a subdomain name? How do I create and delete one?
A subdomain is a second website, with its own unique content, but there is no new domain name....
CPaddons are no longer available. You will need to use Fantastico De Luxe for all your script...
htaccess long lines
Sometimes when you edit the .htaccess file in cPanel, the lines must wrap and this causes a line...
mail folder
IN2HOSTING uses a maildir system, which means that all your email boxes and messages are stored...
public_ftp folder
The public_ftp folder is used for storing files which are available with anonymous FTP....
public_html folder
The public_html folder is the web root for your primary domain name. This means that public_html...
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